Mine Planning & Design
Strategic planning of open pit, underground, and quarry mines using commercial software and customized programs and scripts.
Strategic planning of open pit, underground, and quarry mines using commercial software and customized programs and scripts.
Monitoring, optimization, dispatching, and proximity detection of powered haulage fleet using mobile crowdsourcing and private LTE network.
Data acquisition and data analytics of drone images including photogrammetry, image processing, and artificial intelligence.
Smart blasting services by application of engineering optimization, artificial intelligence, drones, and mobile applications for more effective drilling and blasting results.
“NeXoMine believes that the path to safer, healthier, and productive mining operations crosses only through development of mining professionals with greater understanding of emerging technological infrastructures such as Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Robotics, Teleoperation, Immersive Technologies (Virtual/Augmented Reality), Drones, and Mobile Crowdsourcing,”
“NeXoMine is not a consulting company. We are a group of research and development professionals with multidiciplinary skills to produce futurisitc technologies for mining industry. ”
“NeXoMine is seeking partnership with mining industry for collaborative Reseach and Development. We are also looking forward to attracting investors to expand and commercialize NeXoMine products. ”